
December 9th:

Decorate wreath cupcakes with Bridget & deliver to friends, family & neighbors

Bridget signed on to be a part of our calendar of events last month when we were decorating Ashton's birthday cake. She brought over her very fun tool box of cake decorating tips and we got to work decorating cupcakes. The kids loved using the parchment bags and there were a lot of uncontrollable giggles whenever the top of a bag came undone and plopped frosting out onto the table, the scissors, the tape dispenser...there was frosting everywhere!

Bridget teaching Ashton how to use the leaf tip.
Ashton showing off his leaf tip craftsmanship.
Lorelei had to use all her strength to squeeze the frosting, but she powered through.
She's one tough cookie cupcake!
As predicted, Lorelei was the Sprinkle Queen.
There were a lot of cupcakes...
Ready for delivery!
Thanks for playing with us, Bridget!

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