

OK, Some of you are already a little too anxious about wanting updates and pics of the kids. I will get to it- I promise. Because of my computer Super Hero, Mark T., I am able to do a little more with pictures and whatnot. (Personal note to Mark: I would stay away from the tights, but a cape would not be inappropriate.)

For now, just want to let you know that I am not doing a formal solicitation for JDRF donations this year. But if you want to donate, or just want to check up on what been going on with Ashton's life with diabetes (there is some potentially cool stuff that may enter our near future), follow the JDRF link and look up my page (click on donate[inthe middle column] and enter my name under Support A Walker). You do not have to donate to see the page.

1 comment:

spec ops said...

i'm so proud of you. you'll be carrying your camera around everywhere you go in no time. and if you saw yesterdays post, you'll see why you just can't leave the house without it.
you are now a blogger. haha.