
Partyin' Diabetes Style

It was our first time attending the Diabetes Support Club Holiday Party and it was pretty fantastic. The banquet room of the Children's Hospital was beautifully decorated. We had a Mexican Fiesta of a dinner; catered by Qdoba. There was a DJ and a ton of presents. Unfortuneatly, there was a blizzard that day and Santa got stranded in Midland.

Lorelei liked the cookies.

The staff called for all of the diabetic kids to come to the front of the room for their gifts. Ashton stands up, takes a couple steps, looks back at Chadd and asks, "Am I a diabetic?" He knows that he has diabetes, but we have never called him a diabetic before. It was kind-of a surreal question. Here he is with his booty.

After all the diabetic kids get their mounds and mounds of gifts, they call for all of the other kids to come up. They also receive treat bags, and quite honestly, get almost as spoiled as their insulin challenged siblings.

Lorelei is not too impressed with the music and refuses to partake in any "kicking up of the heels."

But, wait! Just then, she sees brother participate in something that somehow represents some small piece of the alphabet song that she loves so much. Here Ashton is executing a nearly perfect 'A.' (Take that Shawn Johnson.)

Lorelei is all in now: "Let's do this!"

Great job, everyone!

Is she Vogueing or doing the Hokey Pokey?

Already working on those white boy moves.

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