
Home security

Here are some statistics according to the Brinks Home Security website:

  • The FBI reports a burglary occurs every 14 seconds.
  • A home without a security system is 2-3 times more likely to be burglarized.
  • 90% of police believe home monitoring alarms help deter burglary attempts.
  • Over 2 million home invasions occurred in 2006.
  • 63% of residential burglaries in 2006 took place during the day.

These statistics can be quite intimidating. Would you feel more comfortable protecting your loved ones with a home security system? Would you like the ease of knowing that your belongings are safe while you are away from your home? Would you like knowing that a home security system could alert the police to possible criminal activity so that the bad guys can be captured and thrown into the county jail?

Well, that might be too bad, because many home security systems are way too expensive to even consider. Plus, I watch TV. I know that there are times when the inept husband has snuck downstairs for a midnight snack only to trip the alarm and, in his clumsiness, cannot remember the procedure or code to quiet the freakishly loud alarm, thus waking the entire household and some nosy neighbors.

That is why I came up with an alternative to an electronic home security system: I hired Super Heroes.

Batman, Spider man, Spider girl, and Superman have formed a home security business that is safe, reliable and affordable. They have great moves to thwart any bad buys (check out the action shots below), they are incredibly reliable since Spider girl and Superman have taken up residence here, and Batman and Spider man are based right next door. And you can't beat their prices! A box of macaroni and cheese, a movie for Spidey and Supe, and a nap for Bats and Little Spidey.

They are a fierce, fearless, phenomenal force of power! Put the picture of the four of them at you front door and bad guys everywhere will steer clear! Call today to book you super hero home security system.*

*They need to check with their moms before they commit to an event. They are not allowed to stay in the home without adult supervision. They do not perform at parties. You must provide popcorn and Capri Sun Roaring Waters with the aforementioned movie.


spec ops said...

i'll take spider girl. she may be little, but i know her and that don't mean nothin' to her.

Unknown said...

Smart thinking! Hmm; I'll have to get one of those- :)