
Who's the Boss?

Ashton loves to take a bath, but dislikes having his hair washed. So unless he is unusually filthy, I only wash his hair every-other bath. Any time that I tell him that it's time for a bath, the first thing he says is, "but no hair?" Tonight I got to leave the house (by myself!) and attend a diabetes related lecture (it was fantastic!). My mom was watching the kids and Chadd was at football practice and going to beat me home, so I left him a message that Ashton needed a bath. This is the note that my mom left me regarding the conversation she had with my son:
Ashton wanted me to tell his dad "no hair." I said, "No, I can't tell your dad that." He wanted to know why. I said, "Because daddy is the boss of you." Ashton said, "No, mommy is the boss of me."

Damn straight.


Derek Phillips said...

Poor Chilimac...he gets no respect.

I just remembered this blog and had to stop by. Great to see the pics. Hope everyone is well!

spec ops said...

it is now almost december and it's time for you to update your blog. i am really thinking about bringing my camera this evening to document our childless dinner and shopping extravaganza. fo' real yo. only like 9 more hours!

Unknown said...

ha; that's hilarious!!!

spec ops said...

do you need me to babysit your children for a day so you can post some blogs?! geesh.

rogue said...

Yes I do.