
Who's the Boss?

Ashton loves to take a bath, but dislikes having his hair washed. So unless he is unusually filthy, I only wash his hair every-other bath. Any time that I tell him that it's time for a bath, the first thing he says is, "but no hair?" Tonight I got to leave the house (by myself!) and attend a diabetes related lecture (it was fantastic!). My mom was watching the kids and Chadd was at football practice and going to beat me home, so I left him a message that Ashton needed a bath. This is the note that my mom left me regarding the conversation she had with my son:
Ashton wanted me to tell his dad "no hair." I said, "No, I can't tell your dad that." He wanted to know why. I said, "Because daddy is the boss of you." Ashton said, "No, mommy is the boss of me."

Damn straight.


JDRF- One Final Note

A couple people have asked me about JDRF donations, so just to let anyone who is interested know, I have until October 22 to turn in my portion of collected donations. It's very easy to use the online site, or you can send anything straight to my home and I will send it on from here. Thanks.


Ann Arbor

It was game day in Ann Arbor, so we headed into town to check out the action. Chadd wanted to take me and the kids to a couple of his favorite places. I wanted to buy a pair of shoes. We walked for a bit around campus and Chadd and Ashton bought matching U of M hats. We then ate at Chadd’s favorite burger joint, Blimpy Burger. I wasn’t expecting to be too impressed. I love little diners, greasy-spoons, and the such, but a dive that specializes in burgers didn’t sound too pleasant for a girl who hasn’t touched beef in over half her life. I was so excited to find that they served veggie burgers and that it was the best damn veggie burger that I have ever had! I couldn’t eat the whole thing, but Lorelei finished it off for me,grilled onions, pickle and all. Ashton loved his burger and we left full and happy. As we walked back to the car we could hear the roar of the game from The Big House. I didn’t buy a pair of shoes, but Ashton did get to use a parking meter for the first time.