
Fighting and Having Fun

Yesterday was our Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk for a Cure. We have to get up and head to Ann Arbor early because registration starts at 8:30. Then we head out for some prewalk fun. Unfortuately the kids and I were sick, so we skipped on the bounce house, the rock climbing wall, dancing, and some kind of clown balloon performance (if you know how I feel about clowns, you understand that I was not disappointed to miss that one). But we did eat some breakfast and Ashton and Lorelei got their sweet little faces painted up for the walk. We had a really great time and we all came home ready for naps. Thank you to all of you who donate, and who keep us in your thoughts, and for just listening to us when we are frustrated and just need an ear. Your support is appreciated as we continue to fight for a cure.

After bagels (for me, Chadd, and Lorelei), string cheese (for Ashton), and some low-carb juice, we're ready to go!

Ashton wanted some football related art, while Lorelei choose something simple (actually, I didn't really expect her to sit still while a stranger drew on her face but she seemed to like it.)
Anyway, it's an extremely emotional day and I seem to cry a lot while we're there, but it's just so amazing to me when I see all the people that show up to support not only their loved ones, but also those that they have never met. Even if it's only once a year, it's nice to feel like we are part of a larger community and that this is not something that we are alone in. But the event is actually packed with a lot of fun and that is something to look forward to next year as well.


The Cure for Migraines

Ok, I have a serious headache right now, but I just had to make note of this. We arrived back from our JDRF walk and I went to bed with a migraine. I still woke up with a headache, but enough of it had eased up so I could get downstairs for a Coke. Ashton asked, "Mommy, why are you so sad?" and I told him that I had a really bad headache. He said, "I wish I had something to help you, but I don't." Then his face lit up with a big smile and he said, "I do have something to give you that will help, a hug!" He gave me the biggest hug ever and then kissed me on the nose. I think it did help.